Bepler, Sine, Jens Hoffmann, Jonathan Napack & Philip Tinari. Sine Bepler & Uta Grosenick, Editors. Koln, GERMANY: Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, 2007. First Edition. Oblong 4to. Cloth in Illustrated Jacket. As New/As New. 252pp, 150 color and 50 b&w illustrations. Text in English and Chinese. "Since its establishment in 1996, ShanghART gallery has fostered and embraced radicalism and diversity in Shanghai art. Located initially in a downtown hotel and thereafter in an old workshop in Fuxing Park, the gallery quickly became an international reference point for contemporary Chinese art. Today it is regarded as one of the country's most acclaimed and innovative cultural spaces. This publication is structured as a virtual exhibition, documenting key works by thirty-one represented artists including Ding Yi, Geng Jianyi, Hu Jieming, Hu Yang, Ji Wenyu, Li Shan, Liang Yue, Lu Chunsheng, Feng Mengbo, Pu Jie, Song Tao, Shen Fan, Shi Yong, Tang Guo, Tang Maohong, Wei Guangqing, Wang Guangyi, Wang Youshen, Wu Yiming, Xiang Liqing, Xue Song, Xu Zhen, Yang Fudong, Yang Zhengzhong, Yu Youhan, Zhao Bandi, Zhou Zixi, Zeng Fanzhi, Zhang Enli, and Zhou Tiehai, as well as the gallery's own development. Its essays chronicle the history of the emergent Chinese art scene and detail the radical sociopolitical and cultural changes of the past decade". 3-86560-200-2 Inventory Number: 014337