(QUINN, MARC). Quinn, Marc, Brian Eno, Will Self, David Thorp & Mark Gisbourne. London & New York: Booth-Clibborn Editions & Gagosian Gallery, 1998. First Edition. 4to. Boards in Dust Jacket. Artist Monograph. Fine/Fine. np (208pp), profusely illustrated in color and b&w. Designed by North. With an exhibition history. Published jointly by Booth-Clibborn Editions and the Gagosian Gallery, this is the most lavish, exquisitely designed and printed hardbound catalogue produced for Marc Quinn's 1998 New York exhibition, "Incarnate". It reproduces in great detail each of forty-nine queasy, anatomically chilling works executed by the renowned British contemporary artist between 1988 and 1998, and contains textual contributions by Quinn, Brian Eno, Will Self, David Thorp, and Mark Gisbourne. A brand new, most handsome example. 1-86154-048-5 Inventory Number: 015628