(BLOKLAND, SARA). Blokland, Sara & Andre Loor. Amsterdam, Eindhoven, THE NETHERLANDS & Hartford,: Boa Producties & van Zoetendaal Publishers, 2010. First Edition. 4to. Gilt-Debossed Padded Boards. Photography Monograph. As New/No Jacket - As Issued. np (132pp), profusely illustrated in color. Designed by Willem van Zoetendaal. Text in Dutch and English. "The police band in Suriname cannot pride itself on being the oldest band in Suriname, nor even that it is very old, but it can take pride in having become an integral part of the social and cultural life in Surinamese society. The band has always been of great significance to the musical life in Suriname not only because of the weekly concerts they gave in The Park and on the former Government Square but also because of their repertoire. Photographer and artist Sara Blokland has followed the band and pictured in an untraditional way the history of the band and the people encountered by them". A brand new, most handsome example of the 2010 first edition of this charming tome (cited on page 130 of Martin Parr and Gerry Badger's "The Photobook: A History Volume III"). 90-72532-06-6 Inventory Number: 023145