(FULFORD, JASON). Fulford, Jason. Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS: The Soon Institute / Publishing House, 2010. First Edition 1/1000. 4to. Boards in Pictorial Jacket. Photography Monograph. Fine/Fine. np (196pp), 109 color illustrations. Text in English. "As photographer Jason Fulford recently learned firsthand, mushrooms have a way of growing and spreading wherever they touch ground. It all started when a friend of Fulford's gave him a box, found at a flea market, full of photos of mushrooms - unassuming pictures taken by an unknown but almost certainly amateur photographer - apparently as notes for some mycological studies. Fulford's art photographs are usually of staid, quasi-mute objects: a smashed Dorito chip overrun with ants, two bronzed doorknobs spooning, the blank back of a street sign. Yet these mushroom images got stuck in Fulford's mind, like a bad song sometimes does, and they started to grow in his own work. "The Mushroom Collector" combines some of the original flea market mushroom pictures with his own images and text about the project. It is a compendium of thoughts, observations, and influences both written and visual that helped shape this charming collection of color images". A most handsome example of the 2010 hardbound first edition of this awesome tome (cited on page 306 of Martin Parr and Gerry Badger's "The Photobook: A History Volume III") limited to one thousand unnumbered copies additionally SIGNED "Jason Fulford" in black ink across his circular stamp reading "The Pleasures of Chaos" on the verso of the front pastedown with some ephemera laid in. 90-810584-2-8 Inventory Number: 023407