National Broadcasting Corporation (N.B.C.). NP. ND (circa 1983-86).: NP (Presumed N.B.C.). Edition Not Stated - Presumed First. Narrow Oblong Double Elephant Folio. Loose Photograph. Promotional Photograph. Very Good - .. One 12 ¼ x 26 ½" Type C color photographic print, 1 color illustration. This is a color photograph featuring a montage of a stern Mr. T., delightful Dinah Shore, the always cheerful Gary Coleman, and a smirking Pierce Brosnan in his Remington Steele tux directing the viewer’s gaze towards a television set with the caption "Be There This Fall!" Its dimensions suggest it was likely created to sway urban bus or subway riders towards the Peacock Network's Prime Time television lineup, and given the personalities depicted, this would have been between 1983 and 1986. A handsome, flat example of this mysterious vintage advertisement showing some handling indentation and a few flattened soft creases that is additionally dripping with nostalgia. Inventory Number: 027315