(PRINCE, RICHARD) (LYNN VALLEY). Prince, Richard. Vancouver, CANADA: Bywater Bros. Editions & Presentation House Gallery, 2006. First Edition 1/2000. 8vo. Stapled Illustrated Wrappers. Artist's Book. As New.. 48pp, profusely illustrated in color. Published by Vancouver's Bywater Bros. Editions and Presentation House Gallery, this first issue of monographic periodical "Lynn Valley" is designed by Richard Prince to feature a representative selection of the artist's most iconic series, such as biker girls, nurses, tattoos, pornography, jokes, sculptures, paintings, and other assorted incendiary images. A brand new, most handsome example (artist's book entry 48 in "Bibliotheque d'un Amateur: Richard Prince's Publications 1981-2012") of this slender gem. 0-920293-72-7 Inventory Number: 027659
$40.00 InquireFiled Under: Artist Monographs, Artists' Books, Periodicals, Photography Monographs, Richard Prince, Tattoo