(VARIOUS). Something Special Studios, I00220218. 9 x 13 inches, 210 Pages. Hard Cover. New/No Jacket - As Issued.
Summer of Something Special (SoSS) is an annual photo book by Something Special Studios. This is the publication’s third edition. Every edition of SoSS features a new selection of photographers from around the world, each capturing summer as they see it. The resulting photos come together to form a unique group diary - a communal ode to summer.
Summer of Something Special Vol.III will feature the following photographers’ work: Bafic, Nathalie Basoski, Robin Bernstein, Kennedi Carter, Jasmine Clarke, Christopher Currence, Ibrahem Hasan, Djiby Kebe, Zhenya and Tanya Posternak, Noah Sahady, Peter Sutherland, Ramona Wang, Kersti Jan Werdal Inventory Number: I00220218