(WEBSTER, EMMA). Webster, Emma. Los Angeles: Self-Published, I00220922, 2022. 11 x 8 inches, 108 Pages. Paperback. Artist Monograph. New.
Emma Webster’s landscape paintings teleport viewers into the otherworldly. The places she depicts, convincing and hallucinatory, merge spatial expectations with mystifying fantasy. The paintings come from a hybrid sketching-sculpting process within screen-space. Webster first constructs scenes in virtual reality, which she then embellishes with theatrical illumination, to create natural vistas that relish in artifice, drama, and distortion. Of her VR models, Webster says: “Working from within the still-life is more akin to how we go about the world. There can be no ‘outside.’” A brand new, most handsome example of this all but unavailable gem. 979-8218011710 Inventory Number: I00220922