(STELARC). Stelarc. Various. 1976-1981.: Self-Published. First Editions. Oblong 12mo. Printed Postcards. Artist Multiples. Very Good - or Better.. Fifteen 4 1/8 x 5 7/8" cardstock postcards printed offset b&w, recto and verso. Text in English. This is a collection of fourteen photographically illustrated, self-published postcards documenting noted Cypriot-born, Australian-based artist Stelarc's public performances - primarily in Japan and Australia - between 1976 and 1981. A handsome group of these uncommon artist's multiples issued for the following performances: "Event for Stretched Skin (May 16th, 1976 - Tokyo)", "Event for Penetration / Extrapolation (August 14th, 1976 - Mexico City)", "Event for Stretched Skin No. 4 (August 8th, 1977 - Munich)", "Event for Inclined Suspension (January 7th, 1979 - Tokyo)", "Event for Amplified Tension (August 6th, 1979 - Tokyo)", "Pull Out / Pull Up Event for Self-Suspension (March 2nd, 1980 - Tokyo)", "Sitting / Swaying Event for Rock Suspension (May 11th, 1980 - Tokyo)", "Event for Obsolete Body (August 13th, 1980 - Melbourne)", "Up / Down: Event for Shaft Suspension (August 17th, 1980 - Melbourne)", "Tilted / Twisting Event for Cone Configuration (December 30th - Tokyo)", "The Third Hand. The Third Hand (May 8th, 1981 - Tokyo)", "Seaside Suspension: Event for Wind and Waves (May 30th, 1981 - Jogashima)", "Sculpture Space Suspension (August 16th, 1981 - Mexico City)", "Deca-Dance (November 15th, 1981 - Tokyo)", and "Curves / Event for Three Hands (December 28th, 1981 - Tokyo)". Inventory Number: 026265
Casciani, Stefano, Giannino Malossi, Carlo Romano & Nigel Whiteley. Giannino Malossi, Editor. Milan, ITALY: Electa Editrice, 1990. First English Language Edition. Stout 8vo. Illustrated Boards in Slipcase. Exhibition Catalog. As New/No Jackets - As Issued. 210 + 158pp, profusely illustrated in color and b&w. Text in English. Designed by Italo Lupi. This is a totally amazing two volume publication documenting the new art, architecture, cinema, design, fashion, music and popular culture in Europe (with the primary focus on Britain) during the Swingin' Sixties! Issued in conjunction with a 1990 Italian exhibition, everyone who was anyone is here including The Mods, The Rockers, The Situationists, Richard Hamilton and The Independent Group, The Beatles, The Who, Allen Jones, Peter Blake, David Hockney, Roy Lichtenstein, Joe Colombo, Archigram, Stanley Kubrick, The Fool, Pierre Cardin, Ungaro, Paco Rabanne, Mary Quant, and many, many, more. A pristine, still shrinkwrapped set along with the exhibition commissioned documentary "The Sixties in Moving Images" on video cassette housed in the publisher's printed cardboard slipcase, as issued. 88-435-3269-3 Inventory Number: 023825
$90.00 InquireFiled Under: Architecture, Art, Art and Technology, Cinema, Decorative Art, Exhibition Catalogues, Fashion, Music + Sound Art, Pop Art, Video Art, Vinyl, DVD + CD -
4,492,040 (1969-74)
Lippard, Lucy R. & Jeff Khonsary, Editors. Vancouver, CANADA & Los Angeles: New Documents, 2012. First Edition 1/1000. 12mo. File Cards in Printed Wrapper. Exhibition Catalog. As New.. One hundred and seventy-nine 4 x 6" file cards printed monochrome offset recto and verso, profusely illustrated. With a bibliography and filmography. "4,492,040 is a facsimile reprint of a series of documents produced by curator Lucy R. Lippard. Drawn from material originally published between 1969 and 1974, 4,492,040 includes reprints of all four of the catalogs from Lippard’s hugely important "numbers shows" - a series of exhibitions named for the populations of the cities they were held in: 557,087 (Seattle, 1969), 955,000 (Vancouver, 1970), 2,972,453 (Buenos Aires, 1970), and c.7,500 (Valencia, CA, 1973/74). As with the originals, 4,492,040 is made up of a collection of loose notecards containing statements, documentation, and conceptual works by each artist, to be rearranged, filed, or discarded at will. This new edition is supplemented by a new afterword by Lippard". The four exhibitions' participants include Vito Acconci, Laurie Anderson, Carl Andre, Eleanor Antin, Siah Armajani, Keith Arnatt, Richard Artschwager, Art & Language (Terry Atkinson, David Askevold, Alice Aycock, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell), John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Frederick Barthelme, Jennifer Bartlett, Gene Beery, Mel Bochner, Bill Bollinger, Jon Borofsky, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Donald Burgy, Pierpaolo Calzolari, Rosemary Castoro, Don Celender, James Collins, Christopher C. Cook, Greg Curnoe, Hanne Darboven, Walter de Maria, Agnes Denes, Jan Dibbets, Christos Dikeakos, Rafael Ferrer, Gilbert & George, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Ira Joel Haber, Alex Hay, Michael Heizer, Eva Hesse, Nancy Holt, Douglas Huebler, Robert Huot, Richards Jarden, Stephen Kaltenbach, On Kawara, Edward Kienholz, Robert Kinmont, Joseph Kosuth, Christine Kozlov, John Latham, Barry Le Va, Sol LeWitt, Roelof Louw, Duane Lunden, Bruce McLean, Robert Morris, N.E. Thing Co. (Iain and Ingrid Baxter), Bruce Nauman, New York Graphic Workshop, George Nikoliadis, Dennis Oppenheim, John Perrault, Adrian Piper, Robert Rohm, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Fred Sandback, George Sawchuck, Richard Serra, Randy Sims, Robert Smithson, Keith Sonnier, Athena Tacha, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Jeff Wall, Lawrence Weiner, Ian Wilson, and Martha Wilson. A pristine, brand new complete set of all one hundred and seventy-nine loose cards sealed inside their printed wrapper in the publisher's clear plastic zip-lock pouch, as issued. 1-927354-00-5 Inventory Number: 027596