(GRIEGER, SCOTT). Grieger, Scott. NP (Los Angeles): Self-Published, 1970. First Edition. Oblong Small 4to. Loose Plates in a Portfolio. Artist's Book. Very Good +.. Fifteen individual 7 ½ x 10 ¼" plates printed offset recto only, 15 b&w illustrations. Self-published in 1970, "Impersonations" is Los Angeles-based artist Scott Grieger's wildly hilarious, photographically illustrated artist's book of send-ups of iconic works by many of the then-prevailing luminaries of Pop, Conceptual and Minimal Art. Using the photographic studio and some darkroom magic, the hirsute Grieger clad in jeans, desert boots, and a white t-shirt substitutes himself for artworks ranging from a Barnett Newman "zip" to one of Robert Irwin's illuminated disc paintings. The fifteen artists receiving these wry homages are Ronald Bladen, Tony DeLap, Robert Grosvenor, Irwin, Les Levine, Sol LeWitt, John McCracken, Robert Morris, Newman, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, George Rickey, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, and Ernest Trova. The "Impersonations" photographs were subsequently shown in MoMA's landmark 1970 Conceptual Art exhibition "Information", the 1972 Whitney Annual, "Los Angeles '72" at New York's Sidney Janis Gallery, and were the subject of a 2007 retrospective with catalogue at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art at Utah State University. The work fits in nicely with parallel body-centric photographic excursions by the likes of Bruce Nauman, Chris Burden and Vito Acconci - albeit with a more overt tongue in cheek approach. A bright, handsome example of this exceedingly uncommon - only five copies are currently cited in OCLC WorldCat - and underappreciated gem whose glossy white printed paper portfolio shows some typical creasing along the edges along with a slight stain at the upper right corner of the rear panel. Inventory Number: 022630
(GRIEGER, SCOTT). Grieger, Scott & Maurice Tuchman. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1971. First Edition. 12mo. Illustrated Wrappers. Artist Monograph. Near Fine.. One continuous 7 ½ x 11 ½" cardstock sheet printed offset recto and verso, folded neatly in half to make 4pp, 1 b&w illustration. With an exhibition checklist. This is the slender four page brochure published in conjunction with a 1971 Los Angeles County Museum of Art Ahmanson Gallery exhibition of five recent "combination" works by Scott Grieger. Expanding on his earlier "Impersonations" series, the Los Angeles-based artist takes aim here at prevailing luminaries and tropes of Pop, Conceptual and Minimal Art with five works that marry the iconic imagery of Frank Stella with Donald Judd, Robert Morris with Larry Poons, Morris Louis with Sol LeWitt, Barnett Newman with Frank Stella, and Jasper Johns with Donald Judd to amusing effect. A brand new, pristine example of this exceedingly uncommon ephemeral item - only two copies are currently cited in OCLC WorldCat - that was the only printed documentation of the event. Inventory Number: 024815
(LEWITT, SOL). LeWitt, Sol. New York, London, Rome & Hong Kong. 2007-2014.: Multiples, Inc., 1970. First Edition. Oblong 4to. Printed Sheet Plus Envelope. Artist's Book. Fine./Near Fine.. One 5 1/8 x 12 3/8" cardstock sheet, printed recto only inserted into a printed paper envelope, 10 b&w illustrations. This wry homage to Eadweard Muybridge's Human Locomotion studies was noted Minimal/Conceptual Artist Sol LeWitt's contribution to the to the Multiples, Inc. "Artists and Photographs" portfolio of 1970. A bright, most handsome example of this uncommon item (cited on pages 88-89 of Giorgio Maffei and Emanuele de Donno's "Sol LeWitt: Artist's Books") offered here individually. Inventory Number: 026656
(LEWITT, SOL). LeWitt, Sol. Basel & Bern, SWITZERLAND. ND (circa 1976).: Kunsthalle Basel & Verlag Kornfeld und Cie.. First Edition. Small Square 4to. Printed Wrappers. Catalogue Raisonné. Near Fine.. np (96pp), profusely illustrated in color and b&w. Text in German with English captions. Co-published by the Kunsthalle Basel and Verlag Kornfeld und Cie, this substantial document is a full catalogue raisonné of Sol LeWitt's screenprints, lithographs, etchings, and artist books executed between 1970 and 1975. It includes entries for ninety-seven works that are all illustrated throughout. An otherwise bright, most handsome example of this uncommon item showing a diagonal closed tear to one of the rear pages. It has been priced accordingly. Inventory Number: 025919
(LEWITT, SOL). LeWitt, Sol. Tokyo: Touko Museum of Contemporary Art, 1990. First Edition. 4to. Illustrated Self-Wrappers. Artist Monograph. Very Good.. 64pp, profusely illustrated in color and b&w. Text in English and Japanese. With a chronology, exhibition history, bibliography and collections listing. This is the elegant catalogue published in conjunction with a 1990 survey exhibition of Sol LeWitt's then-recent wall drawings, gouaches, and structures held at the Touko Museum of Art - the Minimalist pioneer's first major show in Japan. A handsome example of this uncommon item showing just a bit of wear to the covers along with some trivial foxing to the extremities. Inventory Number: 025141
(LEWITT, SOL). LeWitt, Sol. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. & Multiples, Inc., 1980. First Edition. Square 8vo. Printed Wrappers. Artists' Book. Near Fine.. np (32pp), 220 color illustrations. "Sunrise and Sunset at Praiano" is Sol LeWitt 1980 artist's book that consists of fifty-four pages of 2 by 2 grids contrasting color photographs of the sky over Praiano Italy where the late, great Minimal pioneer maintained a villa taken at Sunrise, and - you guessed it, - Sunset. A handsome example of this uncommon item (cited on pages 102-103 of Giorgio Maffei and Emanuele de Donno's "Sol LeWitt: Artist's Books" as well as in Susanna Singer's "Publications by the Artist" bibliography in SFMoMA's 2000 "Sol LeWitt") showing some very light wear and soiling to its white wrappers along with a tiny dent to the upper foredge corner. It has been priced accordingly. 0-8478-0275-2 Inventory Number: 025140
4,492,040 (1969-74)
Lippard, Lucy R. & Jeff Khonsary, Editors. Vancouver, CANADA & Los Angeles: New Documents, 2012. First Edition 1/1000. 12mo. File Cards in Printed Wrapper. Exhibition Catalog. As New.. One hundred and seventy-nine 4 x 6" file cards printed monochrome offset recto and verso, profusely illustrated. With a bibliography and filmography. "4,492,040 is a facsimile reprint of a series of documents produced by curator Lucy R. Lippard. Drawn from material originally published between 1969 and 1974, 4,492,040 includes reprints of all four of the catalogs from Lippard’s hugely important "numbers shows" - a series of exhibitions named for the populations of the cities they were held in: 557,087 (Seattle, 1969), 955,000 (Vancouver, 1970), 2,972,453 (Buenos Aires, 1970), and c.7,500 (Valencia, CA, 1973/74). As with the originals, 4,492,040 is made up of a collection of loose notecards containing statements, documentation, and conceptual works by each artist, to be rearranged, filed, or discarded at will. This new edition is supplemented by a new afterword by Lippard". The four exhibitions' participants include Vito Acconci, Laurie Anderson, Carl Andre, Eleanor Antin, Siah Armajani, Keith Arnatt, Richard Artschwager, Art & Language (Terry Atkinson, David Askevold, Alice Aycock, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell), John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Frederick Barthelme, Jennifer Bartlett, Gene Beery, Mel Bochner, Bill Bollinger, Jon Borofsky, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Donald Burgy, Pierpaolo Calzolari, Rosemary Castoro, Don Celender, James Collins, Christopher C. Cook, Greg Curnoe, Hanne Darboven, Walter de Maria, Agnes Denes, Jan Dibbets, Christos Dikeakos, Rafael Ferrer, Gilbert & George, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Ira Joel Haber, Alex Hay, Michael Heizer, Eva Hesse, Nancy Holt, Douglas Huebler, Robert Huot, Richards Jarden, Stephen Kaltenbach, On Kawara, Edward Kienholz, Robert Kinmont, Joseph Kosuth, Christine Kozlov, John Latham, Barry Le Va, Sol LeWitt, Roelof Louw, Duane Lunden, Bruce McLean, Robert Morris, N.E. Thing Co. (Iain and Ingrid Baxter), Bruce Nauman, New York Graphic Workshop, George Nikoliadis, Dennis Oppenheim, John Perrault, Adrian Piper, Robert Rohm, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Fred Sandback, George Sawchuck, Richard Serra, Randy Sims, Robert Smithson, Keith Sonnier, Athena Tacha, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Jeff Wall, Lawrence Weiner, Ian Wilson, and Martha Wilson. A pristine, brand new complete set of all one hundred and seventy-nine loose cards sealed inside their printed wrapper in the publisher's clear plastic zip-lock pouch, as issued. 1-927354-00-5 Inventory Number: 027596
Page, Suzanne, Claude Gintz, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Charles Harrison, Gabriele Guercio, Seth Siegelaub & Robert C. Morgan. Paris: Musee D'Art Moderne De La Ville De Paris, 1989. First Edition (Second Printing) 1/1700. 4to. Printed Stiff Wrappers. Exhibition Catalog. Near Fine.. 260pp, profusely illustrated in b&w. Text in French and English. With an exhibition checklist and bibliography. This the catalogue of the extensive 1989 international survey exhibition of Conceptual Art held at the Musee D'Art Moderne De La Ville De Paris. It features texts by Suzanne Page, Claude Gintz, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Charles Harrison, Gabriele Guercio, Seth Siegelaub, and Robert C. Morgan. The artists included are Giovanni Anselmo, Art & Language, Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Mel Bochner, Alighiero e Boetti, Marcel Broodthaers, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Andre Cadere, Hanne Darboven, Jan Dibbets, Marcel Duchamp, Dan Flavin, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Eva Hesse, Douglas Huebler, Jasper Johns, On Kawara, Yves Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Piero Manzoni, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Roman Opalka, Adrian Piper, Emilio Prini, Robert Rauschenberg, Edward Ruscha, Robert Smithson, Bernar Venet, Lawrence Weiner, and Ian Wilson. A handsome example of the uncommon first printing of this important document showing some light overall wear and soiling to its white wrappers. 2-85346-071-1 Inventory Number: 025391
Siegelaub, Seth & John W. Wendler, Editors. Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS: Roma Publications, Stedelijk Museum, De Appel & Stichting Egress Foundation, 2015. Second Edition (First Thus) 1/1600. 4to. Wrappers in Acetate Jacket. Artists' Book. As New/As New. np (372pp), 350 b&w illustrations. Issued in 1968 by gallerists Seth Siegelaub and John W. Wendler, this collaborative project known as "The Xerox Book" features contributions from artists Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, and Lawrence Weiner. Each participant contributed an original twenty-five page, 11 x 8 ½" artwork that would only exist on the printed page - not on a gallery wall. Generally considered to be the first conceptual artists' book, it was originally envisioned as being produced by a Xerox copy machine, however the price for printing the three hundred and sixty-eight page volume proved to financially unworkable, so it was ultimately printed using the offset process. A brand new, most handsome example of the already unavailable 2015 facsimile edition of this extraordinarily important Conceptual Art document limited to one thousand, six hundred copies published in conjunction with the Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum and De Appel arts centre's exhibition "Seth Siegelaub: Beyond Conceptual Art" still in the publisher's shrinkwrap. 94-91843-52-4 Inventory Number: 027336