(ZELLEN, JODY). Zellen, Jody. Santa Monica, CA: Self-Published, 1997. First Edition 1/500. 16mo. Stapled Pictorial Wrappers. Artist's Book. Fine.. np (40pp), profusely illustrated in color and b&w. Designed by Jody Zellen. Published in conjunction with the 1997 exhibition "Blur" at San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, this is the second of Santa Monica-based artist/graphic designer Jody Zellen's self-produced small format artist's books. Uniformly scaled to 4 ½ x 4 ½", these beautiful little editions combine photographic reproduction, text, and a grid format to achieve a sublime narrative. A most handsome example of this uncommon item limited to five hundred unnumbered copies. Inventory Number: 023103